Important Tree Removal

September 15, 2021 A significant step was taken to remove 3 trees between the mill and the river that were jeopardizing the foundation and the structure itself due to their size and close proximity to the mill. It was no easy feat but expertly handled by J & R



WINS THEIR LAST GAME  … NOW ITS OFF TO THE PLAY OFFS!! 9 to 8 It was a nail biter. Scoring the winning run in the last inning ending the season 6-3-1. Thanks to Coach Chris Kanach and Assistant Coach Joe Koller for making the team what it is


Volunteer Work Party

Sunday May 23, 2021 Volunteer Work Party Knot Weed Got You Down? Volunteers needed to help in trail clean up and ridding the park of invasive species. Bring yourself, friends, family, a pair of work gloves and clippers if you got them.     9:30 – 12:00   Kiosk


Hedgerows Fall 2020

The Historic Preservation Plan Before an historical property can be restored, it must be preserved; that is, its basic structure must be intact. That has been the focus of WTLT volunteers since 1991. In 1997 a draft of our first “preservation plan” for the Obadiah La Tourette Grist and


Preservation Plan Update

THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION PLAN             Preservation planning is a process that organizes preservation activities (identification, evaluation, registration and treatment of historic properties) in a logical sequence. … Preservation planning is based on the following principles: Important historic properties cannot be replaced if they are destroyed. Jun 18, 2001 National Park Service (.gov) › history Secretary’s


2020 Annual Meeting

Fellow Trustees and Members You are cordially invited to the 2020 Annual Meeting of the Washington Township Land Trust Looking forward to seeing you there. The ANNUAL MEETING AND POTLUCK DINNER is going VIRTUAL this year. (See Link Below) 7:00 pm December 8, 2020 Annual Meeting Election of Board


Phones are down.

We are currently experiencing issues with our landline phone. It’s expected to be back by mid-September. We apologize for the inconvenience. Please email us instead at [email protected].